It was all tears at Ekwulumili, yesterday, in Nnewi South Local
Government Area of Anambra State when six children of same parents who
died of food poisoning were buried.
Chukwuebuka, 17; Chinemerem, 15; Afomachukwu, 13; Chekwubechukwu, 11;
Onyekachukwu, 9 and Chukwuziterem, 7 died in a mysterious circumstance
on July 15, 2016. Their parents said they died of what was suspected to
be food poisoning.
Parents of the deceased children, Apostle and Mrs. Oramalu were able to
comport themselves during the burial which was officiated by members of
Brotherhood of Cross and Star.
WARNING: After the cut are photos of the children in their coffins
The officiating priest, Bishop Michael Anene in his sermon pronounced a
curse on the perpetrators of “the dastardly act”. He said that someone
must have been behind the death of the children but that whoever did it
should expect the grave consequences of his or her action.
He cited several portions of the Bible to buttress his pronouncement, saying
“woe betide the killers of the children and it would have been better the person was not born than to have committed the act.”

Bishop Anene used the opportunity to dismiss the impression some people
had about his religious sect which he said had nothing to do with secret
society, not being Bible based or a cult.
He said his religious denomination preached the Lord Jesus Christ and
love for one another and had nothing secret about its profession
contrary to some people’s views, adding that it was out of ignorance
that some people create the impression that his religious sect never
read the Bible.
The mother of the deceased children, said she had submitted to the will
of God as far as the death of her children was concerned.
She however called on the government on the need to properly unravel the killer of her children
“but where that is not possible, let God who has been taking control continue to fight for the family.”
She also called on the government to come to the family’s aid by
awarding her last child who survived the incident scholarship as a way
of nurturing the family’s only hope.
She said some of the deceased had even chosen careers “Chinemerem said
he would be an engineer and he started showing that because he could
dismantle a generator or radio and recouple it. Some others said they
would be doctors and lawyers. Afoma came second in an examination in the
entire Nnewi South,” she said.
The father of the deceased children, Apostle Oramalu said that he could
name the killers of his children based on investigation so far,
“even though they are accusing me of using my children for rituals. How
can that be? The children I suffered to beget and nurture. Why should
somebody have that thinking? He queried, adding that the family would
pursue the matter to a logical conclusion.