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Shocking photos: See the inside of world's most crowded prison where 30 convicts share each cell

Menh this kind prison eh... i thought we only see this kinda prison in Nigera... heheheheh...

but it now houses 3,800 inmates.

Located in the capital city of the Philippines, the living conditions are so harsh that some prisoners do not even have enough space to sleep on the floor.
Instead, prisoners are forced to take turns to lie down.

One prisoner - Raymund Narag - was 20 when he was sent to the jail after being convicted of murdering a young man.

He served seven years in the prison, and have since spoken out about the conditions there.

Mr Narag claims he shared one cell with 30 others, living on a diet of dried fish.

Speaking of life behind bars, he has previously said: "I saw firsthand the intricacies of managing a crowded, underfunded, undermanned prison institution."

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Created at 2016-07-30
Tags: Gist , Jokes
Posted by:Ezzyboy
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